The distinguished faculty of the Department of Counselor Education of The College of New Jersey takes pride in offering rigorous, high quality graduate degree programs in clinical mental health counseling and school counseling, as well as a certificate program in student assistance coordination in the schools. The mission of every program in the department is to create exemplary counseling professionals prepared to enrich the lives of the people of New Jersey, the nation, and the world through counseling and service and to provide a national model of the preparation of counselors. The department is committed to creating and supporting an inclusive learning community and to serving students from diverse backgrounds who seek a degree in counseling.
Guided by The Mission of the School of Education, which emphasizes The College of New Jersey’s public service mandate, we are committed to preparing exceptional, self-reflective counselors who meet the needs of the communities in which they work, and the Standards of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, which emphasize the traditions, values and objectives of professional counseling programs, the faculty of the Department of Counselor Education engage students from the greater New Jersey area in the developmental process of becoming professional counselors who will address the needs of the people they serve in an ethical and competent manner. Click here to access specific Program Objectives.
Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. The following academic programs in the Department of Counselor Education at The College of New Jersey are established to prepare graduates to honor this professional relationship by acting in accordance with the highest professional standards of the field:
The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) has accredited the following programs that are housed in the School of Education at The College of New Jersey in the Department of Counselor Education:
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.A. degree) program
Accredited: Eight-Year Period through October 31, 2030
School Counseling (M.A. degree) program
Accredited: Eight-Year Period through October 31, 2030
CACREP-accreditation decisions are based on the CACREP Board’s extensive review of departmental self-study documents, the CACREP site visiting team’s report, and TCNJ’s response to the visiting team’s report. The faculty of the Department of Counselor Education are grateful to all who have been involved in making our accreditation processes a success over the years since initial accreditation in 1991. Such support from students, faculty, staff, alumni, site supervisors, and employers of our graduates are vital to assuring continued quality in TCNJ’s Counselor Education programs.
For further information about the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), please refer to the following website: