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School Counseling Certification

In order to be a practicing school counselor in New Jersey or Pennsylvania (or any other state), you must become certified by the State Department of Education (DOE) Division of Certification in your registered state (Note that certification by the state is distinctly different from national certifications).  As a CACREP approved school counseling program, the Department of Counselor Education at The College of New Jersey fully prepares students for New Jersey school counseling certification, K-12.  In addition to fulfilling their degree program, those seeking school counseling certification in Pennsylvania must present evidence of their successfully passing the School Guidance and Counseling Praxis Test (20420) which is administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS).  

Prior to the completion of your Master’s degree program you will be advised of the processing procedures for New Jersey school counseling certification, and provided with appropriate application materials and instructions on applying for certification in New Jersey.  With regard to PA school certification, the TCNJ Certification Office can assist you with completing the Pennsylvania application.

Pennsylvania school counseling certification is completed online through the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) portal. Questions about the PA certification process can be directed to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Teacher Certification and Preparation at –

333 Market Street

Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

(717) 787-2967 or (717) 787-3356

The TCNJ certification office is located in The Education Building Suite 106.  The telephone number is 609-771-2396.




