The Department considers supervised clinical field experiences (i.e., practicum and internships) to be among the most important professional preparation activities in which students participate. Practicum and internship experiences are intended to allow students to synthesize and apply knowledge learned in other academic experiences and to facilitate refinement of students’ previously learned skills and development of new skills. In addition, student practicum and internship experiences are one of the main avenues linking the department and professionals in the fields represented by programs in the department. Because of the importance of student practicum and internship experiences, the department has carefully conceived and constructed guidelines for students to participate in practicum or internships. It is essential that these guidelines be followed by students. The clinical manual will cover this area more specifically (Clinical forms and manual may be found by clicking on the links below.) Additionally, the Department holds an Annual Clinical Orientation every fall, and students should attend the orientation in the Fall term prior to starting their Practicum/Internship sequence.